With our new Ferris zero turn 48inch deck commercial mower we can handle the long grass with ease. Anything we can’t get with the mower we can get with the whipper snipper and then blow down driveways and edges etc to complete a neat and tidy job.
Anstead Acreage is also equipped with a mobile chemical spray unit with a 60l capacity tank for spraying unwanted weeds along fence lines and dry creek beds with speed and ease.
Spraying large grass areas for lawn grub, no problem.
Hedges are beautiful and provide great screening but are very time consuming and tedious to maintain.
Let us handle them for you so you can have your weekends back.
We can also supply and lay turf to your new or rejuvenated back or front yard.
Paving can add a beautiful and natural looking surround to your pool or outdoor entertaining area, with so many varieties of pavers available the possibilities are endless. Experience with paving, spending time working on correct levels for water dispersion and drainage which is so very important here in Queensland.
Retaining walls allow sloping areas to be levelled off to create more usable spaces within or around your yard or garden.
There are council guidelines around retaining walls, the main one is council approval and engineering is required for walls over 1 metre in height.
Anstead Acreage can also help you out with the many little jobs around the home that you just don’t get time too do.
We can help you out!